Jun 26, 2017

QUEEN OF THE WIZARDS Just finished this doll. 6-25-2017
She is on eBay now. http://www.ebay.com/itm/142426289706?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Jun 25, 2017

Made a Fairy in a teacup for a lady who is dying. It made her very happy! 6-23-2017

Jun 22, 2017

I finally changed the latest 10"dolls hair back to blonde and love it now. She on eBay still 6-21-17.
Thanks for looking. SOLD

Jun 8, 2017

1:12 scale young lady on a regency sofa just finished 6-7-2017
She is all porcelain and hand sculpted in porcelain pieces and attached together before firing. Lots of work. She can be displayed a number of ways. And she does come with the sofa and little pillows.
She can be found on eBay at this address: http://www.ebay.com/itm/142408074325?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Jun 7, 2017

Victorian lady 10" tall in purple hat just finished 6-6-2017

Victorian lady 10" tall in purple hat just finished 6-6-2017.
She has a bouquet of lavender handmade paper flowers in an assortment, roses, mums, iris, posey, violets and more. She is all porcelain and a has a hand sculpted one of a kind face and costume. The base is custom made for her with similar laces used on her heavy beaded satin gown. 

May 23, 2017

Theme is: The light of the silvery moon tale
    The moonlight goddess casts her rays gathered from the light of the silvery moon. Catch one of her moonbeams and you will have shinning good luck for a lifetime to come.
She comes with all items pictured. The multi layered silver gown a silver staff and a silver base stand. She is removable from the base. Her head, arms and legs do not move. Her hair is the natural color of the blonde alpaca it came from. She has detail painted eyes. She is perfectly to scale and proportioned as a human would if 10" tall. She is all porcelain, with fired china paint so her features will not rub off.
She is the first of 20 limited edition porcelains of her face. All 20 dolls I will be making will be costumed and wigged differently and have a different theme.  
Thanks for following my art dolls. Patricia Rose

May 21, 2017

Aqua ballerina 1:12 scale

Another all porcelain new doll finished today. Just listed her on eBay. Her dress is beautiful. She can be seen at this link... aqua ballerina

May 20, 2017

Almost finished with a wonderful commission. She is my best free sculpted doll so far. My client sent me a photo of the sofa she has for a doll 1:12 scale and I made the doll as a OOAK with sculpted parts that I showed you before. Now here she is fired and ready to costume. And I photoshopped my doll image onto the picture of the sofa she has so we could get a better idea of how the doll will fit. She will be laying on a few stacked pillows and be nude to the waist. Enjoy...

Here is a picture of the latest finished 1:12 scale girls I have made. They both are going on eBay 5-19-2017. Have a look for more photos. Thanks. Patricia

May 18, 2017

Pin up Louise

New 1:12 scale all porcelain one of a kind 5 1/2" pin up girl in evening dress.
She will be listed on eBay 5-19-2017.
SOLD ON 5-19-2017

May 13, 2017

Pretty Lady Dolls: Should I make a few more BJD's?

Pretty Lady Dolls: Should I make a few more BJD's?: I was making 12-14" ball jointed dolls about 4 years ago. I still have all the molds. I think I should make a few more before I retire ...

May 12, 2017

Should I make a few more BJD's?

I was making 12-14" ball jointed dolls about 4 years ago. I still have all the molds. I think I should make a few more before I retire the molds. What do you think? Let me hear from you.

Got Legs????

Here's where we stand at this point! We've got legs to stand on now. China painting is done.
Patricia and Susan are discussing costuming at this time. So far, we know we have one ballerina, one oriental goddess, two Victorian ladies, and two girls posed together in a dance debut. Keep watching!